
We Help Light The Future

PUD FCU’s dedicated employees are here to help you, our members, by offering the best in first-rate financial services. We invite you to join our family and enjoy a truly different financial institution that puts its members first. You’ll enjoy a whole host of services such as:

Savings Accounts Tax and Insurance Accounts
Share Certificates Christmas Club
Payroll Deduction Prepaid VISA® TravelMoney™
Free Notary Public Fax Machine
VISA® Signature Loans
New & Used Car / Truck Loans Blue Book Prices
RV Loans Boat Loans
Home Equity Loans VISA® Gift Cards
Two College Scholarships Extended Warranties

Ask After Hours

This service allows us to stay connected with you, our members, during non-business hours. We do not have access to account numbers or balances, but we will answer your question(s) as quickly as possible. Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply.

(During business hours, Monday through Friday 8 am – 4 pm, please contact us at 360-501-9500 so we may provide you with personal service.)
