Savings Accounts

Secured Savings at Competitive Rates

Whether it’s a lifelong dream or a weekend getaway, PUD Federal Credit Union offers a variety of great savings options to help you get there. They’re all NCUA-insured, so you know your money is safe. Our savings accounts let you earn competitive interest rates while keeping your money totally liquid so you can get to it when you need it.

Special Share

This special share account is often used to maintain savings separate from regular shares. The special share account can be used for a variety of purposes such as insurance and tax bills, medical bills, college savings, and accumulating funds for vacations.

Share Certificates

A Share Certificate is a savings account which earns dividends over a specified term. A minimum balance of $1,000.00 is required for this account. Certificates for children under age 18 require a minimum opening balance of $500.00. Early withdrawal penalties will equal 1 month’s dividends on your deposit for funds under 1 year, and 3 months’ dividends for funds over a year.

Christmas Club

The Christmas Club account is established as a special savings account which allows a member to earmark certain funds for this seasonal spending need. Members may increase, decrease, or discontinue deposits to the Christmas Club at any time. Members are asked to contact the credit union in October to identify where they would like to receive the funds. Early withdrawal of funds is allowed.

Regular Share (Savings)

Saving money has never been easier with a credit union Share (Savings) Account. Have funds payroll deducted or direct deposited into your account. Never seen, never missed! This account also serves as a membership account, which allows you to use/apply for the other services offered by the credit union.

Tax & Insurance Accounts

For more information about this type of account, please call the credit union.

Savings Rates

Share rates effective as of December 31, 2024. Rates are subject to change without notice and may change after the account is opened.

Account Type Rate APY*
Share dividend 4th quarter 2024 .75% .75%
Share Certificates**
6 Months 3.80% 3.87%
1 Year 3.40% 3.46%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. $25 required to open an account and a $5 minimum balance to obtain APY. Fees could reduce earnings.
** Penalty for early withdrawal. Time requirements are based on the term of the certificate (i.e. a 6 mos. term share certificate has a 6 mos. time requirement).
